The Desert Sun and JOVRNALISM students kicked off the spring semester together.
As the dust begins to settle on the Fall 2016 semester, I wanted to post a preview toward what is coming in the new year.
My J489 class is being offered again and this time we are partnering with The Desert Sun, in Palm Springs. Unlike past partnerships, we are working on a brand new journalistic project together from the very beginning, rather than working with a news organization’s existing editorial content.
The Executive Editor, Greg Burton, reached out earlier this year and pitched the idea of working together in a completely integrated way. And, as important, he had a hell of a story.
Next semester JOVRNALISM and The Desert Sun are producing a series of immersive experiences about the Salton Sea, the largest lake in California that is poised to be a large environmental disaster. This lake is rich with history and diverse story angles that are rip for immersive story telling.
Here is the flier for my course:
In addition to the newsroom and the JOVRNALISM classroom working together, I have invited an Environmental Journalism course to join in the reporting and storytelling. Stuart Sender and his J440 students will be equal participants for this new, innovative experiment.
The hull of a Bombay Beach Ruins boat. #JOVRNALISM 2017 Preview. #ascj #ascj489 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA