Kaitlyn Mullin, one of the Jovrnalism students, wrote this piece for Nieman Lab (more…)
Unmasking Lucha Libre in VR
Mexico’s most iconic Lucha Libre luchadores bring the popular sport to Los Angeles
Roller Derby: Female power in 360º
Experience the Angel City Derby Girls’ in 360
Field Stories: CicLAvia in VR
We took two 360 rigs to document the event that kicks out cars and let’s cyclists takeover downtown LA
Our Experience With Data VR: A Semester In Review
What does data journalism look like in virtual reality? This is one of the questions that the JOVRNALISM team chose to explore this past semester, resulting in a 3D interactive data journalism story we created using Unity.
Our first project: VR Tour of Wallis Annenberg Hall
To prepare for our semester long hackathon creating virtual reality experiences for journalism, we did a test project with our GoPro rig to make a 360 VR tour of USC Annenberg’s new building Wallis Annenberg Hall.
The piece, originally posted on YouTube, was featured of the site’s 360 page and generated nearly 50,000 views.
Go here via your phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddcLIp39G5Q
You can also experience the project via the Vrideo platform, which works on desktop, Android and iOS.
Quiet on Set: Our Intro to VR Production
After three weeks of introductions, trying VR experiences, and learning from the experts, the class was ready to tackle our first project: a virtual reality tour of Wallis Annenberg Hall.
Professor Robert Hernandez presented us with the task of creating a VR tour of the new Wallis Annenberg Hall, led by Annenberg‘s leaders, to be shown at 2015 Online News Association conference in Los Angeles.
The class… via a Theta
360 class selfie with Ricoh Theta:
Meet my #VRJournalism class. #Jovrnalism – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA
Testing the Virtual Waters: Our First Weeks of VR Journalism
USC students have started school again, and our class is taking off at last. While we met a couple of times during the Spring semester, we were all really excited to meet the whole VR Journalism team and get to know each other better. As the class went around introducing each other, we realized we were quite a diverse group: a variety of majors, nationalities, backgrounds, and skills. This diversity will definitely help us create a project that defines journalism for VR.
First, early tests of our VR rig
In connection with my VR Journalism course I am teaching at USC Annenberg this fall, we got a Freedom 360 mount, six GoPro HERO4 Black cameras and our new journalism building at University of Southern California.
Here is a test / draft of an immersive, virtual tour we plan to produce of the new Wallis Annenberg Hall.
Using Vrideo:
Direct link here: http://www.vrideo.com/watch/rh1QaJM
Using Kolor Eyes:
Direct link here: http://eyes.kolor.com/video/6989aec3d8b9e7e9c69104c8fa645529
First published at VR Journalism Tumblr: http://vrjournalism.tumblr.com/post/120461756241/first-tests-of-our-vr-rig