Inspired by a data story published by Time magazine, JOVRNALISM created an Instagram AR filter that quizzes you on the year-over-year change in sales for eight common goods.

May 29, 2020

Visit Project

Wanting to explore data visualization through mixed reality, the Spring 2020 JOVRNALISM class produced one of the first-ever journalism-based Instagram Filter that blends popular social media quizzes, 3D models and augmented reality.

The students studied the most popular filters and decided to embrace the playable, quiz interface but use it to deliver informative data regarding COVID19. Based on a recent Time Magazine article a student found, the students began building the experience.

After feedback from user testing, the result is a fun AR-quiz game that uses both sides of the augmented reality, Instagram camera to tell you how shoppers are dealing with COVID.

Most AR Instagram filters are simply selfie/front-facing experiences, especially the quizzes. The three students developed a new interface that requires the user to flip the camera to get the correct answer, displaying the results through 3D models and scale/size of the items.

This is meant to be a prototype that inspires the industry to embrace these new storytelling formats, especially for serious topics like the global pandemic. This project is now a template that can be used by others in the future – yes, we plan to publish and share our code as a template.

Learn more about the story and get the Instagram filter here:

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